Together with Stena Hollandica, Stena Britannica was extended with 30-metres at Lloyd Werft which can now offer space to 1,300 passengers in total. Möhring Marine Service GmbH was responsible for the air conditioning, mechanical ventilation and engine room ventilation onboard this ferry. For more examples of projects we have completed, please check out the other references on this website. For our complete reference-list, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Other passenger ferry references:
Ark Dania
Ark Germania
Aline Sitoe Diatta
Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Superfast I
Superfast II
Pride of Burgundy
European Pathway
European Highway
European Seaway
Ostfriesland (LNG) (Refit)
Stena Hollandica (Refit)
Pride of Kent (Refit)
Pride of Canterbury (Refit)