References Navy Vessels MERZ Marineeinsatzrettungszentrum (...

Marine Emergency Response Center HVAC

A marine emergency response center can be installed on a combat support ship. The German naval recue center, which provides first emergency, was refitted in 2011. Möhring Marine Service GmbH was responsible for retrofitting the HVAC. For more examples of projects we have completed, please check out the other references on this website. For our complete reference-list, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Other Navy vessel references:
Bergungsschlepper Fehmarn (Refit)

Minenjagdboot Auerbach (Refit)

Tender Elbe (Refit)

Schnellboot Ozelot (Refit)

Flottendienstboot Alster (Refit)

SSS Gorch Fock (Refit)

Taucherschulboot Baltrum (Refit)

Tender Main (Refit)

Mehrzweckboot Mittelgrund (Refit)

Betriebsstofftanker Tegernsee (Refit)

EGV Berlin (Refit)

Minenjagdboot Passau (Refit)

Contact us
Möhring MS
Am Lunedeich 110A
D - 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany

  +49 (0)47 198 69 30 - 0
  +49 (0)47 198 69 30 - 20